Blog Archive

November 20, 2019


This ritual is based upon general Golden Dawn elemental correspondence within a pattern from New Thought called “R U Ready To Receive: where we Recognize Divinity, place our consciousness in Unity with Divinity, Realize what we are asking of Divinity, express genuinely felt Thanksgiving to Divinity and finally Release our prayer into Divinity. Ceremonially, place your Wand in the East, your Cup in the North, your Sword/Knife in the West, and your Disk/Dish in the South.

Take up the Wand and trace an Invoking Pentagram of Fire in the East. Then recognize:

God is fire and lightning, cosmic flaming blaze. God is limitless heat and light. God is boundless warmth and infinite living, flashing, scorching, drying intelligence of Light… IAOE TZABAOT.

Put down the Wand, move to the North, take up the Cup, trace an Invoking Pentagram of Water in North. Then recognize:

God is rain and flooding, cosmic pouring wetness. God is limitless cold and moisture. God is an unfathomable ocean of cool, flowing liquid, moving, rippling, nourishing, intelligence of Love… ALHIM TZABAOT.

Put down the Cup, move to the West, take up the Knife/Sword, trace an Invoking Pentagram of Air. Then recognize:

God is wind and clouds, cosmic lifting up into hot-wetness. God is limitless humid warmth. God is an infinite horizon of blue sky, warm currents of moist air, spinning, whirling, rushing intelligence of Life… SHADAI EL CHAI.

Put down Knife/Sword, move to South, take up the Disk, trace an Invoking Earth Pentagram. Then recognize:

God is earth and rock, cosmic heaviness, ever falling into dark steadiness. God is limitless coldness and dryness. God is an infinite mountain of obsidian stone, black as iron, firm, immovable intelligence of Law… ADNI HA ARETZ.

Standing facing the East, visualize oneself as a burning seraf of flame and heat while affirming:

I am a spirit of flame and lightning, burning forth from the Luminous Mind of God. I am a son of the God of Fire. I am shining with the light of God. I am hot with the lightning of God. I am Prince of everything Hot and Dry, illuminated with the Light of Divine Mind. I am a Sun in the Light of Mind…

Let the surrounding flames shrink into the middle of the head. Then turn to face the North, visualizing oneself as a spirit of water, saying:

I am a spirit of rain and flood, flowing forth from the Oceanic Mind of God. I am a child of the God of Water. I am swimming within the love of God. I am wet with the rivers of God. I am Prince of everything Wet and Cold, soothed in the Love of Divine Mind. I am a Moon in the Love of Mind…

Let the fountaining pillar of water shrink into the belly center. Then turn to face the West, visualizing oneself as a spirit of air, saying:

I am a spirit of wind and cloud, blowing forth in the Expansive Mind of God. I am a son of the God of Air. I am flying upon the living Breath of God. I am warm with the gales of God. I am Prince of everything moist and warm, singing with the Life of Divine Mind. I am a Star in the Life of Mind…

Let the wind and clouds shrink down into the chest center. Then turn to face the South, visualizing oneself as a spirit of earth, saying:

I am a spirit of earth and rock, growing forth in the Abundant Mind of God. I am a child of the God of Earth. I am standing upon the Law of God. I am dry upon the mountain of God. I am Prince of everything cold and dry, stabilized in the Law of Divine Mind. I am a Gemstone of the Law of Mind.

 Let the gemstones shrink into the earth center below the feet. Then turn to face the East again. Visualize before you the Archangel, Ruler, Angel and King of Fire. Raise the Wand and address your desired realization to Them:

Let the forces of my spirit be awakened through Your Name, oh God of Flames and Lightning: IAOE TZABAOT. By the wand of my intuition, let the True Self be revealed and my understanding be purified.  Let my essence be radiant and clarified by great Michael-Ashel, Your Luminous Archangel. May the enlightening power of Fire be disclosed to me through good Seraf, Your Ruler of Elemental Fire. I call Aral, Your blazing Angel of Fire World to come from electric grid and volcano with hot-dry potencies. Oh Djin, I call you, burning King of Salamanders and Jinn! I wish to become as intuitive and energetic in the radiance of Divine Light as the Ashim of Djin their Choleric King! IAOE TzABAOT. SERAF. ARAL. DJIN.

Put down the Wand, turn to the North, pick up the Cup again and visualize before you the Archangel, Ruler, Angel and King of Water. Raise the Cup and address your desired realization to Them:

Let the forces of my spirit be awakened through Your Name, oh God of Rains and Floods: ALHIM TZBAOT. By the cup of my inspiration, let the inner guides be known and our cooperation be creative. Let my thoughts be flowing and channeled by great Gavriel-Maymel, You Merciful Archangel. May the loving power of Water be disclosed to me through good Tarsis, your Ruler of Elemental Water.  I call Taliahad, Your streaming Angel of Water World to come from the rivers and seas with cold-wet stories. Oh Niksa, I call you, oceanic King of Undines and Mermen! I wish to become as fluid and unstoppable in the creativity of Divine Love as the Naiads of Niksa their Phlegmatic King! ALHIM TzABAOT. GAVRIEL. TARSIS. TALIAHAD. NIKSA.

Put down the Cup, turn to the West, pick up the Sword/Knife. Visualize before you the Archangel, Ruler, Angel and King of Air. Raise the Sword and address your desired realization to Them:

I balance the forces of my spirit through Your Name, oh God of Winds and Clouds: SHADAI EL CHAI. By the sword of my imagination let the magical axis be clarified and the storyline of my life be formulated. Let my words be living and guided by great Rafael-Ruachel, Your Vigorous Archangel. May the living powers of Air be disclosed to me through good Ariel, Your Ruler of Elemental Air. I call Chasan, Your fleet Angel of Air World to come from the spreading winds with warm-wet whispers. Oh Paralda, I call you, whistling King of Sylphs and Ventolines! I wish to become as lively, mobile and adaptive in the formulation of Divine Life as the Sprites of Paralda their Sanguine King! ShDI ALChI. RAFAEL. ARIEL. CHASAN. PARALDA.

Put down the Sword/Knife, pick up the Disk. Visualize before you the Archangel, Ruler, Angel and King of Earth. Raise the Wand and address your desired realization to Them:

I balance the forces of my spirit through Your Name, oh God of Earth and Stones: ADNI H’ARETZ. By the disk of my observation let the ceremonial pattern be externalized and the movements be expressed. Let my actions be organized and protected by great Oriel-Aretzel, Your Solid Archangel. May the lawful powers of Earth be disclosed to me through good Kerub, Your Ruler of Elemental Earth. I call Forlakh, Your dark Angel of Mineral World to come from the mind of earth with gemmed treasures. Oh Gob, I call you, subterranean King of Gnomes and Dwarfs! I wish to become as active, firm and fruitful in the expression of Divine Order as the Sylvestres of Gob their Melancholic King! ADNI. ORIEL. KERUB. FORLAKH. GOB.

Put down the Disk. Stand in the Center with arms crossed on chest. Give thanks:

My thanks to the Flames and Waves, Winds and Stones. My thanks to the Divine Father of Elements: Yod Hey Vav Hey!

I give thanks that I am becoming more and more intuitive and energetic in the radiance of Divine Light…. (visualize fulfillment).

I give thanks that I am becoming more and more fluid and unstoppable in the creativity of Divine Love…. (visualize fulfillment).

I give thanks that I am becoming more and more lively, mobile and adaptive in the formulation of Divine Life…. (visualize fulfillment).

I give thanks that I am becoming more and more active, firm and fruitful in the expression of Divine Order….(visualize fulfillment).


In full and fiery trust, I let go my prayer into the Creative Mind for fulfillment. Being saturated in the waters of goodness, I release my prayer. Breathing the expansive breath of celestial faith, I let my prayer fly into the Mind of God. I have confidence that the stone of my desire will drop from Creative Mind into the solidity of my life at the right time and in the best way.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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