According to Rudolf Steiner, Ahriman is preparing to physically incarnate in a human body any time now! Don't you think we should get to know this Evil before he gets to know us?
1. Tracing
the Invoking Infernal Pentagram of Earth intone AHRIMAN. Then speak the
Angra Mainyu, Tuval Qayin, Spirit of Darkness, Miner, Mineralizing the Earth,
Divine Materialist, Metallurgist, Marvelous Mechanist, Artificer of Magical
Machines, influencing human bodies by afar h’afar I invoke your dark
2. Tracing
the Invoking Infernal Pentagram of Water, intone QAYIN. Then speak the
Son of Samael and Eve, First Nephilim, half-man half angel, Murderer,
sacrificing to the Earth, marked with horns, Father of Witches, First
Root-worker and Apothecary, influencing human life-bodies by afar hamayim,
I invoke your sorcerous intelligence!
the Invoking Infernal Pentagram of Air, intone SHAITAN. Then speak the
Yahweh’s Prosecutor, Accuser of Men, Disturber of God, Mastema, Leader of the
Fallen Ones, Great Red Dragon, Devil, Iblis, Emperor of the Nine Circles of
Hell, influencing human astral-souls by afar h’avir, I invoke your earthly
4. Tracing
the Invoking Infernal Pentagram of Fire, intone SATURNUS. Then speak the
Saturn, Son of Ouranos and Gaia, Husband of Rhea, Devourer of Children, Father
of Zeus, Grandfather of Time, Dead God-King, Ruler of Blessed Heroes in
Elysium, influencing human spirit-egos by afar ha’esh, I invoke your
intricate intelligence!
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